Page Details provides details about your site's performance at the page-level. In addition to tracking the organic performance of individual pages, Page Details relays pages' keyword visibility, Google Search Console data (where integrated), and identifies new keyword opportunities.
Remember, all web analytics data in this report reflects only organic traffic to the page in question.
Where to find it
You can access the Page Details report throughout Conductor when you click a URL associated with your domain.
Review the Page's Organic and Keyword Performance
Knowing how a page performs for the metrics important to your organization can help you determine whether the page is contributing to your site's success or whether it should be the focus of your optimization efforts.
Determine the Scope of the Report
Determine the Source for Analytics Data in the Report
If you have multiple analytics integrations configured for the web property this page belongs to, select the integration you want to see data from
Determine the Reporting Time Period
Select the time periods you want to report on and the granularity (weekly or monthly data):
You can select to see historic data from up to 24 months. Data in the Cumulative Value graph described below will reflect the aggregate value of only the 24 most-recent months.
Review This Page's Organic Performance Data
In the widget at the top, review this page's organic performance. Note that this widget appears only if you have integrated your organization's web analytics:
- Across the top of this widget, review the page's performance across the metrics integrated from your web analytics provider.
- In the chart below, you can see how this page has performed over time. You can use the following selector to choose to review data from the views listed below:
Year over Year
Select the metric you want to review data for:
Then compare your performance for a specific metric compares to previous years' performance. -
Metric Comparison
Select the metrics you want compare:
Then quickly see how your integrated metrics stack up. -
Cumulative Value
Note that this option is legacy feature. Newer accounts no longer have access to it.
See how your page's performance for a metric adds up over time to understand how much value the page has generated for your organization since Conductor first identified it.
Note that data in this graph reflects the aggregate value of only the 24 most-recent months. Page Details does not include more than 24 months of historic data.
Year over Year
- For any of the views listed above, you can use the following selector to determine whether you want to see these this data over a Timeline or as Totals:
- Review any Annotations. These may be custom annotations or changes detected by Content Activity Reporting. You'll see changes to Title tags, Meta Descriptions, or h1-h6 tags. These annotations appear as purple pins:
Review the Keywords a Page Ranks For
Learning about the keywords for which your page appears in search engine results pages can help you understand which topics drive organic traffic to the page. Do the keywords you targeted with this page still worth targeting and tracking with Conductor? Are there keywords you don't currently track with Conductor that might be worthwhile to target with this page's content? Page Details can help you answer those questions.
Determine the Scope of the Keyword Chart and Table
Configure the following controls to determine what data the chart and table in Page Details shows:
Review the Keyword Trend Chart
The This Page's Rank Over Time chart shows the keywords for which this page ranks with their ranks trended over the time period you are reporting on. As with the performance chart above, you can also review any Annotations.
Review Keyword Data for This Page in the Table
Filter your keywords. Use the filters above the keywords table to surface insights or focus on areas of interest.
Choose the Columns to Display. Use the Columns menu to select the columns you want to see. Note that the data that appears depends on whether you are reviewing Tracked or Untracked keywords.
Indicates the keywords that rank for this page. They may be tracked or not tracked with Conductor. Tracked keywords appear as hyperlinks you can use to access the Keyword Details: Visibility report. -
This page's rank for the keyword on the selected search engine during the indicated time period. -
Rank Change
The difference in rank between the first and second time periods you chose to report on.
Highest Ranked Page
A green check mark indicates that this page is your organization's highest-ranked for the keyword. -
Result Type
The universal result types that appear as results for this page people search for this keyword during the indicated time period. -
Monthly Search Volume
The monthly search volume for this keyword. -
Target Keyword
Indication whether you've marked this keyword as a target for this page.
Est. Cost Per Click
The average bid on the keyword in paid strategy. You can use this column to identify keywords to optimize for organic search, so your paid team can save on their spend for that keyword.
Journey Stage
The likely stage in the buyer's journey associated with the keyword. Refer to this FAQ to learn which words and phrases Conductor uses to determine whether a query is early- or late-stage.
The relative competition each keyword has based on paid bids.
Google Search Console Metrics
These metrics reflect how your page performs for the following metrics from your integrated Google Search Console account. This data is also device-specific. You can use the control above the table to filter.
From your Google Search Console integration. The number of times someone saw a link to your site on the Google results for this keyword. -
From your Google Search Console integration. The number of times someone clicked a link to your site on the Google results for this keyword. -
From your Google Search Console integration. The calculation of the number of Clicks divided by Impressions (see above). This value indicates the frequency with which people click to go to your site when they see a link to it on Google's results for this keyword. -
From your Google Search Console integration. The average position of each of the keyword impression.
Note that Google's publishes data from Google Search Console with a several day lag. This means that weekly data publications in Page Details will not immediately include the entire previous week's worth of data. However, each day, data from Google Search Console is added to the totals shown in Page Details. You should see your full metrics from the previous reporting period no later than Thursday morning.
Review the Data in the Table
- In the Keyword column, you can click the down arrow to reveal more information about the ranking pages for this keyword:
- If you want to dig into a particular keyword, click on its name in the Keywords column to go to the Keyword Details: Visibility page.
- You can search the table for specific keywords.
Manage Keywords in the Table
As necessary, you can add keywords to track with Conductor.
- Select the check box next to the keywords you want to add.
- Click Add Keywords.
Export the Keyword Table
You can export a list of the keywords in this table to a native Microsoft Excel file.
Technical SEO Data Alpha Program
This feature is part of an alpha release. Aspects of this development may change or be removed with little or no notice.
If you have access to this feature and want to send us feedback, please reach out to
If you do not have access to this feature and would like to learn whether you are eligible for access, contact your Conductor representative.
Conductor is currently testing new features in the Page Details report as part of an early access alpha program available to certain organizations.
With technical SEO data in the Page Details report, Conductor provides a holistic view into the content on a page, organic performance, and technical configuration. With this information, users can start to answer the following questions in a single place:
- Can this page actually be accessed by search engines?
- Are search engines able to index this page?
- Do we help search engines discover this page?
- What meta and semantic information is available for search engines to better understand this page?
- How will social media networks preview this content when it’s shared?
- What relationships exist between this page and the rest of the website?
Having all this information available in a single report allows for:
- Easy collaboration between team members tasked with different parts of organic marketing.
- More visibility for leaders into all the potential areas of concern that drive strategic decision-making.
This must-have data for technical SEOs now appears directly in the Conductor platform, while empowering non-technical experts to fully understand the technical perspective in an intuitive, accessible way.
So What Is New?
The first thing you will notice is that the Page Details report now includes a new header that shows a screen shot of the page and the page's title:
You'll also notice that the report is now broken into three tabs:
- Organic Performance. This tab includes the familiar Page Details content described above—where you can view your integrated web analytics metrics for the page and the page's performance for keywords.
- Content. This is a new tab that includes data about your page's on-page elements.
- Technical. This is a new tab that includes data about your page's technical configuration.
- Change Log. This is a new tab that includes data about changes detected to your page.
The Content Tab
The Page Details: Content tab includes on-page data about:
- Meta tags like title tags and meta descriptions.
- Headings (h1–h6).
- Social tags indicating Open Graph and Twitter Card implementation.
- Custom Elements that you have configured in your ContentKing account.
The Technical Tab
The Page Details: Technical tab includes backend technical SEO data about:
- Indexability, including whether the page is indexable, what existing indexing directives appear, and whether the page appears in the XML sitemap.
- Hreflang tag implementation.
- Incoming redirects, listing all internal redirects pointing to the page.
- Incoming canonicals, listing all internal canonical links pointing to the page.
- Schema markup, displaying the markup for the page.
- Conversion tracking, displaying analytics and tag manager configuration for the page.
- Search engine bot activity.
The Change Log Tab
Review a log of changes detected on the page during a particular time frame.
Alpha Program FAQs
I'm not a technical type...what can I do with this technical data?
Large organizations often have dedicated team members responsible for technical SEO, but every team involved in your website’s success will be more effective in their role by eliminating technical blindspots. Here's an example:
Say you’re a marketing manager that just launched a new content campaign. You notice that the bounce rate on one blog article is really high. Without technical data for that page, you have to assume that your copy is not engaging enough, and you need to assign a content writer to re-write it with a stronger call-to-action.
But with technical data from Page Details, you might quickly notice that the Page Speed is very slow, and the with a very low score. Then you can easily send out a Jira task—directly from Conductor—to your technical SEO team and notify them of the problem. They can quickly fix the problem, your bounce rate returns to a level you’re happy with, and you don’t end up wasting time and resources on a content optimization project that didn’t need to happen.
Or, if you don’t know who to route this kind of technical issue to, or don’t have a dedicated tech SEO resource, you can escalate the problem in your organization and make sure it doesn’t fall through the cracks.
And, if the problem persists, and you notice more Page Speed issues, you can re-strategize and find the root of the problem. That way, your next content initiatives will get the performance you want starting day 1.
This is just one of many use cases “non-technical” team members leverage Page Details for every day to improve performance while maintaining efficiency.
Can I sign up for this alpha program?
Currently, access to this alpha testing program is limited to Conductor customers that have an active SSO integration with ContentKing. If this is true for your organization, and you don't already have access to these new features, contact your Conductor account team. We'll see if you're a good fit for this alpha program.
What else do I need to know?
During this alpha program, data in the Content, Technical, and Change Log tabs won't appear if your organization does not gather data for the pages in your ContentKing instance.w
Additionally, because of the different collection frequencies that ContentKing and Conductor use to gather data, you may notice discrepancies between some of the data reported for a page, depending on where you look across the Page Details report.
This alpha program also includes access to the Platform report (Measure > Platform).
Using Page Details
- Track content changes using annotations
- Validate you are targeting the best variation of your keyword
- Discover keywords to track with Conductor based on your high-value pages
- Create a workspace to track your content's performance
- Identify the topics that you might be losing ranks for—and causing lost traffic
Why are there two Page Details reports for the same page on my site?
Conductor uses a page's URL to determine whether to publish a Page Details report. If there are differences in URLs that direct users to the same page, and Conductor discovers both versions of the URL—whether through your analytics integration or through its SERP collection—you will see multiple Page Details reports.
There are few common reasons you might see two Page Details reports for the same page on your website:
Analytics vs. SERP Data
Conductor may discover a page on your site through your integrated analytics provider, and then find the same page ranking on search results. If these pages don’t have precisely the same URL (for example, one has a www subdomain and the other does not), Conductor will show a Page Details report for your analytics-discovered page and another report for your SERP-discovered page.
Make sure your analytics setup is configured to report on the pages that rank on results pages.
Conductor takes case into account when analyzing a URL reported through a web analytics integration. For example, Conductor considers and to be separate URLs because of the difference in capitalization.
Default Protocol
If you have set your default protocol to either HTTP or HTTPS in your integrated Google Analytics profile, but URLs with the opposite protocol are ranking in organic search, Conductor discovers both and shows a Page Details report for each.
Refer to the Why doesn't the protocol I use for my pages match what appears in Conductor? FAQ for instructions about resetting your default protocol in your analytics profile.
What kinds of keyword data appear in the Page Details report?
Conductor discovers any keyword for which your page appears in search results. You can track your most important keywords with Conductor to view the most robust level of keyword data. When available, Conductor will also combine other keyword data sources to present the most comprehensive view of your page's performance in search results.
Why don't I see some data for certain keywords in the keyword table on the Page Details report?
Because the table reports on both tracked and untracked keywords, not all columns have data available for one or the other type of keyword. Where Conductor has data available to publish, you'll see it in the table.
Why doesn't GSC data for keywords in Page Details match what I see in Pages or in GSC?
Data from Google Search Console in Page Details appears for the keywords your page ranks for.
- In Page Details, Conductor associates keyword data with the user's location and device.
- In Pages, Conductor aggregates all GSC data associated with a given page, across all locations and devices.
- In Google Search Console, Google aggregates data for keywords across all locations and devices.
As a result, you might see different totals appear:
- For pages, between the Pages and Page Details report.
- For keywords, between Google Search Console and the Page Details report.
When is new data published from Google Search Console?
Conductor publishes data daily from Google Search Console when it becomes available—usually four days after the day occurs. For example, data for September 1 is published on September 5, data for September 2 is published on September 6, et cetera.