Social Data in Conductor
Social media can provide insights into other channels where your content and brand are being found by consumers. Conductor provides information on different social channels in several locations in the Conductor, including data from Talkwalker, the premier social data platform.
Explorer's Topic Reports
Through Conductor's partnership with Talkwalker, you can explore the social mentions, age and gender demographics, and more about a topic you enter. Refer to the Explorer article to learn more.
Keyword Reports with Result Type Data
Using Conductor, you can see where Twitter results appear on search engine result pages and which of your tracked keywords yield Twitter results.
Talkwalker and Conductor
Who is Talkwalker?
Talkwalker is Conductor's partner for providing social data in Conductor. You can find social data from all over the internet in Talkwalker's social analytics platform, and integrated into Explorer's Topic reports.
Talkwalker is the leading social data and analytics company. They help organizations like yours optimize their communication efforts. Talkwalker provides companies with an easy-to-use platform to protect, measure, and promote their brands worldwide, across all channels of communication.
What's in it for me?
You need to understand not just what your customers are searching for, but also what they talk about and who they are. That’s why Conductor integrated Talkwalker’s social media intelligence directly into its platform through our exclusive partnership.
What kind of social data does Conductor include from Talkwalker?
Social Mentions
This is the total volume of social and website posts with the mention of a specified keyword in Explorer. Talkwalker sources this data from over 150 million websites that include online news, blogs, forums, and the following social sources:
- Dailymotion
- Disqus
- Flickr
- TikTok
- Vimeo
- YouTube
Social Engagement
This is the aggregated sum of interactions made by others on the social mentions. Conductor calculates engagement using the following types of social mentions:
Mentions on Blogs, News Sites, Forums: Conductor sums the following actions related to a particular post or article to use as a proxy to demonstrate performance across specific social platforms:
- Comments on the source post or article
- Reactions and Shares on Facebook
- Tweets on Twitter
- Shares on LinkedIn (when applicable).
- Mentions on Twitter: Sum of Retweets and Likes.
This is information reflects the author or source of a post. Demographics take into account the country of publication, language of the article, interests, and occupations of the author.
- Sentiment: This is the percentage of sentiment associated with a topic. Articles and posts have been attributed positive, negative or neutral sentiment. Talkwalker infers sentiment using the latest AI technology and bases Sentiment on deep learning algorithms and advanced pattern recognition. By applying deep learning methods and by using neural networks, Talkwalker can provide a 90% accuracy for Sentiment analysis, interpreting human emotions and even irony and sarcasm. The source for this data includes over 150 million websites including online news, blogs, forums, and Twitter.
- Interests and Occupations: These reflect the top interests and occupations of people mentioning the keywords associated with your topic. Talkwalker can infer interests and professions from profile bios using a combination of AI, NLP, and text analysis. The source for this data is Twitter.
Sounds cool! How can I get more data like this?
We love Talkwalker, and think you might, too. Learn more at
Do social media mentions and engagements count when a queried topic is used as a hashtag or only when it’s included in the copy?
Conductor matches topics with mentions and engagement when they appear both as hashtags and as regular copy in a post.
Do engagements include when someone adds a hashtag while editing a post?
This is dependent on the social platform from which the data comes, and on how the hashtag was added by the user during editing. In the event a users adds a hashtag before Talkwalker receives the data, it might appear in the data.