Discover technical issues in a group of your site's pages
There could be several reasons why an area of your website may experience a sudden drop in traffic. Checking for technical issues is often the first step in a traffic drop analysis. Conductor Website Monitoring can help you check for technical issues for your page groups that have experienced a traffic decline.
What are page groups?
Conductor's page groups allow you to understand performance for different areas of your website. They let you break down your website into manageable sets of pages grouped based on similar topics and geographies. You can check on the technical health of page groups—whether smart or custom page groups—using Conductor Website Monitoring.
What are Conductor Website Monitoring segments?
Conductor Website Monitoring lets you create dynamic segments of pages using the Segments Editor. You can create segments based on different criteria. Use the URL filter to create a segment for the same pages that belong to page groups in Conductor for which you have seen a drop in traffic.
For a more in-depth dive into using segments in Conductor Website Monitoring, check out this post on Conductor Academy.
You can create segments in Conductor Website Monitoring that match your Conductor page groups to check the technical health of different parts of your site.
- In Conductor Website Monitoring, go to the Pages report.
- Use the URL filter to target the pages from the page group in Conductor.
- At the top of the report, click the blue active filter button and click Create new segment. This will create a new segment that you can access anywhere else in Conductor Website Monitoring.
- Go to the Issues report to check for technical issues with your group of pages.
- Use the Segment filter find the segment you created above.
- Examine the technical issues that Conductor Website Monitoring has found for your pages.
What's next?
Not sure how to proceed? Read on to learn how to prioritize these issues. Then refer to theis Academy article to understand what issues can lead to traffic and ranking drops.