There are times when you need to make significant changes to your keyword configuration in Conductor, such as keywords, preferred URLs, keyword groups, and whether keywords are marked as prime. If you are making changes to only one or two keywords, you can make the changes individually in the Keywords activity in the Settings menu. However, when you have more significant additions or changes, you may find it easier to use the Keyword Bulk Update tool in the Settings.
Keyword Bulk Update is a tool in Conductor that allows you to create or edit keywords for your account in bulk. This tool uses a Microsoft Excel file you can download from Conductor, makes changes to, and then upload back in with your changes.
Where to find it
Click here ↗️ or follow the path Settings > Keyword Bulk Update in Conductor.
Using Bulk Update
Before you start, note the following:
- Conductor does not allow certain characters and symbols in keyword names. Refer to this article to learn more.
- You must track at least one country-level, desktop keyword for data to appear for a web property in Conductor.
Download and update your current list of keywords
You'll need an up-to-date list of your current list of keywords in Conductor so that you can make changes and additions. To generate this list, you'll first determine which search engines and locations you want to use to track or edit your keywords.
- From the options on the screen, select one of the following:
Use only the search engines and locations where I currently track keywords
This will let you generate a spreadsheet that allows you to track and edit keywords only on the search engines and in the locations you already use for your keywords. -
Add additional search engines and locations
This will let you generate a spreadsheet that allows you to select the additional search engines and locations you want to use to track your keywords.
Use only the search engines and locations where I currently track keywords
- If, in the previous step you selected Yes, now select the search engine and locations for which you want to add keywords.
If, in the previous step you selected No, you can proceed to the next step. - Generate your spreadsheet in one of the following ways:
- Click Download Active Keywords to just add keywords or edit your active keywords.
- Click Download All Keywords to add keywords or edit all your active and inactive keywords.
- Note that you can use a blank spreadsheet with the appropriate column headers. However, blank forms contain no data validation: values must be entered in the exact form shown in the platform. Failure to enter valid values will result in errors during upload. You can use the spreadsheets generated by the platform to help avoid upload errors.
- Locate and open the Excel file that was downloaded to your computer.
Edit the keyword details or add new keywords. Note that some of these fields are optional:
Active (A/I). Required.
- Enter A to mark a keyword as Active.
- Enter I to mark a keyword as Inactive.
- Keyword. Required.Refer to this article to learn what characters and symbols Conductor allows in keyword names.
- Search Engine. Required. If you need it, refer to this article to see the list of supported engines and languages.
Standard Keyword Groups. Optional. In this column, you can:
- Create standard keyword groups by entering a new name for a keyword group in the Standard Keyword Groups column for a keyword. The new keyword group will be created when the spreadsheet is uploaded and any keywords with that keyword group will have membership in that keyword group.
- Add a keyword to an existing standard keyword group. You can do that by simply entering the name of that keyword group in the Standard Keyword Groups column. Note that values in this column are case sensitive. Make sure you use the consistent cases for keyword group names to avoid creating errant duplicate keyword groups.
- Add the keyword to multiple keyword groups by using a comma (,) to delimit each keyword group name.
- Preferred URL. Optional. You can assign a preferred URL to each keyword. Each keyword can have one preferred URL. Note that, for a keyword's preferred URL to be included in platform reports for a weekly data publication, changes must be made before the weekly publication cut-off on Thursdays at 5:00 P.M. Eastern.
Prime. Required.
- Enter Y for any keyword you want to mark as prime.
- Enter N for all other keywords.
Daily Reporting. Required.
- You can set high-value keywords to be tracked daily. These keywords will then be tracked daily in addition to the standard weekly tracking.
- Leave this column blank if you do not use daily tracking or if you do not want to track the keyword daily.
- If you want to track any keyword daily but do not currently, contact Conductor Support.
Location. Required.
Refer to this article to download the list of supported locations and devices. -
Device. Required.
Refer to this article to download the list of supported locations and devices.
Active (A/I). Required.
- Save and close the Excel file.
- Back in Conductor, click Next.
Upload your keyword file back into Conductor
- Select one of the following methods you want to use to upload changes to your keyword list. You can see the instructions and examples for each option by clicking the option button.
- Merge with Existing Keywords
Override Existing Keywords. Note the following if you choose this option:
- All keyword data is replaced with the data in the update file, and any existing keywords for the content that are not in your upload file are made inactive. Data will not be collected for the inactive keywords.
- Entering keyword groups for keywords in an override update file removes those keywords from the listed keyword group. Keyword groups cannot be deleted using the Keyword Bulk Update tool.
- Choose your saved Excel file in the Upload Spreadsheet section at the bottom of the page. Note that this file must be a native Excel file. Conductor will not accept CSV or other file types.
- Click Next (You will have a chance to review your changes before they are saved to your account).
Verify and save your updates
- Verify the change details presented. In the Change Details table, green indicates additions to your keyword data and red indicates items that will be removed. If you want to make changes to the data or to the method of upload, click Back and make the necessary changes.
- After viewing and verifying that all the changes are correct, scroll to the bottom of the Change Details table and click Save.
Can I upload edits to inactive keywords?
Yes, you can do this the same way you do for active keywords.
Can I use the Keyword Bulk Update tool to upload my own spreadsheet with keyword and preferred URL?
You can upload any spreadsheet with the Keyword Bulk Update tool, but it must have the correct column headers. If you already have a file you use to track some of these values, you can add all of the required columns with the appropriate headers and leave the rest of the columns blank.
Do the columns in the uploaded Excel file need to be in a particular order?
Yes. The Keyword Bulk Update tool assumes the following columns of data are in this order (from left to right):
- Active (A/I)
- Keyword
- Search Engine
- Language
- Standard Categories
- Preferred URL
- Prime
- Daily Reporting
- Location
- Device
If you attempt to upload a file with mislabeled columns, Conductor will not allow you to proceed with your Bulk Update. This is intended to protect your account from data corruption.
How does Bulk Update work if I have location- and device-specific keywords?
The Keyword Bulk Update tool assumes that your current uploaded keywords, if not already designated for specific locations and devices, are for a desktop device and the location of origin for each search engine. For new keywords, you can specify location and device for each keyword listed in your bulk update file. Each combination of keyword, device, and location represents a unique tracked keyword for your account.
What if I accidentally put the same keyword twice in the same file?
Conductor will not let you to proceed with your Keyword Bulk Update if you have the same keyword multiple times in the same file.
What if I have multiple sheets in my Excel file?
Conductor processes the first sheet in the file, regardless of how many sheets there are in the file.
What if I leave a cell empty?
The answer to this depends on which type you leave empty, and which options you choose when uploading the file:
If a cell is empty in the Active column for a new keyword, Conductor considers the keyword to be Active (A) by default, when uploaded. For any existing keyword, if the Active cell is empty, Conductor will assume that you do not want to change the Active status for that keyword. -
Keyword and Search Engine
Both of these fields are required for every row in your spreadsheet. Conductor will not allow you to proceed if any of these are blank. -
Preferred URL
You have two options for how Conductor will treat cells with empty URL values in the upload file:- Choose Ignore Blank URL Values if you have blank URLs in your file that you do not want to merge into your account. If you select this option, cells that previously contained a URL, but are now blank in the upload file will be ignored and the prior URL will remain associated with that keyword in the account.
- Choose Accept Blank Values if you want to disassociate URLs from keywords by leaving the URL field blank in your update file. You can review these deletions in the Change Details area.
Keyword Group
You have two options for how the upload will treat cells with empty keyword group values in the upload file:- Choose Merge with Existing Keyword Groups if you want the empty cells to be ignored. If the keyword previously had a keyword group associated with it, but that value has been removed without being replaced (left blank), that change will not be made to the that keyword. The keyword will remain associated with that keyword group.
- Choose Override Existing Keyword Groups if you want to remove the keyword from the keyword group it was associated with and have left the keyword group value for that keyword blank, the keyword will no longer be associated with any keyword group after the upload.
If a Prime value is empty for a keyword, it will leave the current Prime status (Y or N) unchanged upon update. For example, if the Prime status for a keyword was "Y" (Yes) and you leave that same cell blank in the upload file, the keyword will remain as a Prime keyword.
What can I enter in the Preferred URL field for keywords in the bulk update file?
- The URL must contain either http:// or https:// at the beginning.
- The domain in the URL must match a domain that you track in the web properties to which you are uploading keywords. You cannot enter a preferred URL from a domain you do not tracked in the relevant web property.
Why am I getting an error when I try to upload my file?
Seeing the an error that reads "Please make sure that your file is a valid file that can be opened in Excel"?
The most common reason for this error is that one or more of the rows in your file:
- Is missing required entries. Recall that each column is required to have an entry except Standard Keyword Groups and Preferred URL.
- Has an invalid entry. Refer to the instructions above where you'll find links to the supported locations, characters, and symbols.
Note that one of the most frequent causes of invalid entries are the values entered in the Search Engine and Location columns. These must be entered with the precise names that appear in our supported engines and locations article. (These are also the names you'll find in the platform). For example, entering the search engine "Google (United States / English)" will throw an error. The correct engine name is "Google (US / English)".
Need to identify potential invalid entries?
You can use Excel to find invalid data in cells. Under the Data tab Follow the path Data Validation > Circle Invalid Data. Excel will identify up to 255 invalid entries.