You can download a PDF of this guide to share with stakeholders by clicking here.
Important Note
Conductor can integrate Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics using other methods. These instructions describe the process for integrating data from other web analytics platforms that allow data transfer through emailed .csv files. If your organization cannot or does not want to use email for your non-Google Analytics and non-Adobe Analytics platform data, you can find directions for integrating data by sending these files to Conductor via SFTP on the Conductor Knowledge Base.
You can use this guide to set up your custom analytics integration with Conductor. With this .csv file-based integration, you can use Conductor to:
- Manage and measure the performance of their content for their most important pages.
- Identify and improve poor-performing content.
- Identify and protect existing high-performing content.
- Prove ROI and show the importance of organic search to the rest of the organization.
This document gives you the technical background and instructions for integrating content-level analytics with Conductor. After completing these instructions, you will have the following four (4) reports set up for your custom analytics:
- Two (2) domain-level reports at weekly and monthly frequencies.
- Two (2) page-level reports at weekly and monthly frequencies.
Data takes up to two (2) weeks to appear in Conductor after the reports are set up. If you do not see your data after two weeks, please contact Conductor Support.
Technical Information
- Your team is responsible for creating the .csv files containing your analytics data and for ensuring they are sent to Conductor at the specified weekly and monthly times.
- Your team must be able to retrieve domain-level analytics data segmented by marketing channel (such as the Organic and Paid channels).
- Your team must be able to retrieve organic page-level analytics data. If you are unable to retrieve this data, there will be limitations to the analytics data available in Conductor.
Contact Support if you have any questions.
Accepted Metrics
Your integration must include Sessions or Visits as a metric in each of the four .csv files you send.
Beyond Sessions or Visits, each .csv file can contain analytics data from up to nine other metrics, such as Bounces, Page Views, Conversion Events, or Revenue, for a total of up to ten metrics. The metrics you choose must be the same for all four files.
Note that calculated and unique metrics are not accepted at this time:
- Calculated metrics are any metric that includes the word Average or Rate or a metric that uses a formula. Because these metrics represent formulas rather than concrete values, Conductor cannot import them.
- Unique metrics, such as Unique Visitors or Unique Buyers, are unique to the date range you select for the report. For example, a visitor initiates a session on a page in Week 1 and in Week 2. When looking at Week 1 and Week 2 individually, the visitor counts as a Unique Visitor once in each week. However, when looking at Week 1 through Week 2, Visitor A counts as a Unique Visitor only once for both weeks.
File Descriptions
A total of four (4) .csv files must be set up for delivery at the following frequencies and dimensions:
- Weekly domain-level. This .csv file contains your domain-level analytics data. This data must be segmented by organic and paid channels and reflects the domain-level data received during a weekly period.
- Monthly domain-level. This .csv file contains your domain-level analytics data. This data must be segmented by organic and paid channels and reflects the domain-level data received during a monthly period.
- Weekly page-level. This .csv file contains your page-level analytics data. This data must only refer to organic, weekly page-level data associated with pages on your domain.
- Monthly page-level. This .csv file contains your page-level analytics data. This data must only refer to organic, monthly page-level data associated with pages on your domain.
The contents of each of the files listed above are described in the File Contents section below.
File Delivery and Frequency
Create the integration and get your Alias
To configure a custom integration, you'll need to create it in Conductor and then get a unique identifier called an Alias. An integration cannot be configured without an Alias.
The Alias is simply a unique identifier Conductor will generate specifically for your organization to use for configuring a new integration. Note that if you plan on creating multiple integrations, you may need multiple Aliases for each integration you plan to configure, depending on your analytics configuration.
To get your Alias (or Aliases):
- Click here ↗️ or follow the path Settings > Web Analytics in Conductor.
- Click Add a New Integration.
- From the form, select Custom Analytics.
- Click Create Custom Integration.
- Enter a name for your new integration and click Save and Complete. (You can configure the rest of the integration later.) You are returned to the Web Analytics screen.
- You can find your Alias in the list of integrations here.
Emailing the Files
- Weekly files must be emailed to one of the following addresses by Sunday at 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- For non-EU data residency:
- For EU data residency:
- Monthly files must be emailed to one of the following addresses on the first day of each month by 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- For non-EU data residency:
- For EU data residency:
Files must be emailed to one of these email addresses on the days specified above by the times described.
File Format and Naming Convention
This integration uses an emailed flat file to send analytics data from your analytics provider to Conductor. To accommodate this feature, files must be in the .csv format.
File names must include domain, dimension, reporting frequency, date range, and file extension. File names must appear in the following format:
- The Alias is specific to your domain. Remember, after you create the integration in Conductor, you can find the integration's Alias on the Web Analytics ↗️ page (Settings > Web Analytics).
- The Dimension is either “Domain” or “Page”.
- The ReportingFrequency is either “Weekly” or “Monthly”
DateRange refers to the weekly or monthly date range represented by the data included in the .csv file:
- Weekly date ranges in Conductor occur from Sunday to Saturday. For example, if sending a weekly .csv file for the first week of May 2017, the DateRange is “20170430_20170506”.
- Monthly date ranges in Conductor occur from the first day of the month through the last day of the month. For example, if sending a monthly .csv file for the month of April, the DateRange is “20170401_20170430”.
Using the first week of May 2017 as an example for a domain with the Alias “example”, here are how the weekly .csv files must be titled:
- example_Page_Weekly_20170430_20170506.csv
- example_Domain_Weekly_20170430_20170506.csv
Using the month of April 2017 as an example for a domain with the Alias “example”, here are how the monthly .csv files must be titled:
- example_Page_Monthly_20170401_20170430.csv
- example_Domain_Monthly_20170401_20170430.csv
File Content Descriptions
Weekly Domain-Level File
This file must:
- Contain your domain’s domain-level analytics data.
- Segment data by organic and paid marketing channel.
- Include data in a weekly range, where the week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
- Include data in columns as described below:
Column A – Marketing Channel
The first column in the file must be titled “Marketing Channel” in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect the names of the marketing channels that drive traffic to your domain.
This column must include the following three values:- Organic Search or Natural Search or Natural Search Activity: This is your organic traffic channel. Pick one of the three names for this value—whichever most closely matches what your organization calls this channel.
- Paid Search: This is your paid traffic channel.
- Total: This is the aggregate values for traffic from all the marketing channels you include in this file.
Column A – Marketing Channel
You can include other values in this column if you segment by other channels. However, the two values above are the only required channels.
Column B – Visits or Sessions
The second column in the file must be titled “Visits” or “Sessions” (depending on how you name this metric in your analytics) in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect you Visit or Sessions values for the given marketing channel listed in the first column. Values must be whole integers. -
Columns C-K – Other Metrics
The third column, and any other higher columns in the file, can be titled however you title the metrics each column represents. Values in this column below the first row reflect the other metrics you want to integrate into Conductor. Values must be whole integers and must be accepted metrics, as described in the Accepted Metrics section above.
Example Image
Important Notes About this File
- Must be emailed to (for non-EU data residency) or (for EU data residency) by Sunday at 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- Must be saved as a .csv file.
- The csv. file must not exceed 30 MB in size. To ensure successful data publication, consider limiting files to 25 MB.
- Must be named following the naming conventions described above.
- Column headers may be lower case or sentence case, but must not be in all caps.
- Must contain a Column A titled “Marketing Channel”.
- Rows in Column A must include “Total”, “Paid Search”, and “Natural Search Activity”. Any other rows are optional.
- Column B must be titled either “Visits” or “Sessions”.
- The remaining cells in Column B must reference whole integer data from a Sunday through Saturday weekly range of time.
- You can include up to nine other metrics in the remaining columns and must follow the same conditions as Column B. Any other metrics chosen must also appearing in each .csv file for this integration.
Monthly Domain-Level File
This file must:
- Contain your domain’s domain-level analytics data.
- Segment data by organic and paid marketing channel.
- Include data in a monthly range, from the first of the month to the last day of the month, regardless of the day of week those days fall on.
- Include data in columns as described below:
Column A – Marketing Channel
The first column in the file must be titled “Marketing Channel” in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect the names of the marketing channels that drive traffic to your domain.
This column must include the following three values:- Organic Search or Natural Search or Natural Search Activity: This is your organic traffic channel. Pick one of the three names for this value—whichever most closely matches what your organization calls this channel.
- Paid Search: This is your paid traffic channel.
- Total: This is the aggregate values for traffic from all the marketing channels you include in this file.
Column A – Marketing Channel
You can include other values in this column if you segment by other channels. However, the two values above are the only required channels.
Column B – Visits or Sessions
The second column in the file must be titled “Visits” or “Sessions” (depending on how you name this metric in your analytics) in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect you Visit or Sessions values for the given marketing channel listed in the first column. Values must be whole integers. -
Columns C-K – Other Metrics
The third column, and any other higher columns in the file, can be titled however you title the metrics each column represents. Values in this column below the first row reflect the other metrics you want to integrate into Conductor. Values must be whole integers and must be accepted metrics, as described in the Accepted Metrics section above.
Example Image
Important Notes About this File
- Must be emailed to (for non-EU data residency) or (for EU data residency) on the first of each month by 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- Must be saved as a .csv file.
- The csv. file must not exceed 30 MB in size. To ensure successful data publication, consider limiting files to 25 MB.
- Must be named following the naming conventions described above.
- Column headers may be lower case or sentence case, but must not be in all caps.
- Must contain a Column A titled “Marketing Channel”.
- Rows in Column A must include “Total”, “Paid Search”, and “Natural Search Activity”. Any other Rows are optional.
- Column B must be titled either “Visits” or “Sessions”.
- The remaining cells in Column B must reference whole integer data from a monthly range of time beginning on the first of the month and ending on the last day of the month.
- You can include up to nine other metrics in the remaining columns and must follow the same conditions as Column B. Any other metrics chosen must also appearing in each .csv file for this integration.
Weekly Page-Level File
This file must:
- Contain your domain’s page-level analytics data.
- Include data in a weekly range, where the week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
- Include data in columns as described below:
Column A – URL
Values in this column below the first row reflect the list of webpages that received organic traffic during the time period the file includes data for. Values must have a complete URL structure including a protocol and must belong to your hostname domain. There is no limit to the number of URLs you can include in the file. However, Conductor imports data for only the top 10,000 organic traffic-driving pages (based on the data in Column B). -
Column B – Visits or Sessions
The second column in the file must be titled “Visits” or “Sessions” (depending on how you name this metric in your analytics) in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect your Visit or Sessions values for the Organic channel. Values must be whole integers. -
Columns C-K – Other Metrics
The third column, and any other higher columns in the file, can be titled however you title the metrics each column represents. Values in this column below the first row reflect the other metrics you want to integrate into Conductor. Values must be whole integers and must be accepted metrics, as described in the Accepted Metrics section above.
Column A – URL
Example Image
Important Notes About this File
- Must be emailed to (for non-EU data residency) or (for EU data residency) by Sunday at 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- Must be saved as a .csv file.
- The csv. file must not exceed 30 MB in size. To ensure successful data publication, consider limiting files to 25 MB.
- Must be named following the naming conventions described above.
- Column headers may be lower case or sentence case, but must not be in all caps (with the exception of the "URL" header in Column A).
- Must contain a Column A titled “URL”.
- Rows in Column A must include the exact URL strings for pages on your site that received organic traffic during the weekly date range associate with the file.
- Pages in Column A must have a protocol and must belong to the same hostname as the domain in Conductor. URL Strings cannot contain space characters.
- Column B must be titled either “Visits” or “Sessions”.
- The remaining cells in Column B must reference whole integer data from a Sunday through Saturday weekly range of time.
- You can include up to nine other metrics in the remaining columns and must follow the same conditions as Column B. Any other metrics chosen must also appearing in each .csv file for this integration.
Monthly Page-Level File
This file must:
- Contain your domain’s page-level analytics data.
- Include data in a monthly range, from the first of the month to the last day of the month, regardless of the day of week those days fall on.
- Include data in columns as described below:
Column A – URL
Values in this column below the first row reflect the list of webpages that received organic traffic during the time period the file includes data for. Values must have a complete URL structure including a protocol and must belong to your hostname domain. There is no limit to the number of URLs you can include in the file. However, Conductor imports data for only the top 10,000 organic traffic-driving pages (based on the data in Column B). -
Column B – Visits or Sessions
The second column in the file must be titled “Visits” or “Sessions” (depending on how you name this metric in your analytics) in the topmost row. Values in this column below the first row reflect your Visit or Sessions values for the Organic channel. Values must be whole integers. -
Columns C-K – Other Metrics
The third column, and any other higher columns in the file, can be titled however you title the metrics each column represents. Values in this column below the first row reflect the other metrics you want to integrate into Conductor. Values must be whole integers and must be accepted metrics, as described in the Accepted Metrics section above.
Column A – URL
Example Image
Important Notes About this File
- Must be emailed to (for non-EU data residency) or (for EU data residency) on the First of each month by 12 P.M. Eastern Time.
- Must be saved as a .csv file.
- The csv. file must not exceed 30 MB in size. To ensure successful data publication, consider limiting files to 25 MB.
- Must be named following the naming conventions described above.
- Column headers may be lower case or sentence case, but must not be in all caps (with the exception of the "URL" header in Column A).
- Must contain a Column A titled “URL”.
- Rows in Column A must include the exact URL strings for pages on your site that received organic traffic during the monthly date range associate with the file.
- Pages in Column A must have a protocol and must belong to the same hostname as the domain in Conductor. URL Strings cannot contain space characters.
- Column B must be titled either “Visits” or “Sessions”.
- The remaining cells in Column B must reference whole integer data from a monthly range of time beginning on the first of the month and ending on the last day of the month.
- You can include up to nine other metrics in the remaining columns and must follow the same conditions as Column B. Any other metrics chosen must also appearing in each .csv file for this integration.
If you are seeing errors, discrepancies, or otherwise unexpected behavior with the integration process or with the data coming through a completed integration, please refer to the following troubleshooting tasks. If—after reviewing these tasks—you cannot resolve the issues you are experiencing, please reach out to Conductor's Support team.
File Formatting
- Issue: Files are not saved in the correct .csv format, causing data import errors.
- Solution: Ensure that all files are saved in the .csv format before sending them to Conductor.
File Naming Conventions
- Issue: Files are named incorrectly, deviating from the required naming convention.
- Solution: Ensure that file names follow the specified format:
Alias_Dimension_ReportingFrequency_DateRange.extension format.
Missing or Incomplete Data
- Issue: Some required columns or data points are missing or incomplete in the .csv files.
- Solution: Review the data and make sure all required columns (e.g., Marketing Channel, URL, Visits/Sessions) are present and filled with appropriate data.
Disallowed Metrics
- Issue: The integration includes calculated or unique metrics, which are not accepted by the Conductor.
- Solution: Ensure that all metrics included in the .csv files are accepted metrics, as specified in the guide.
Date Ranges
- Issue: The date ranges in the file names do not match the actual data in the files.
- Solution: Ensure that the date ranges in the file names and the data in the files are aligned.
Data Delivery Timing
- Issue: Files are not sent to Conductor on the specified weekly and monthly timeframes.
- Solution: Set up a reminder system to ensure that the files are sent through SFTP (or to if using email) on the correct days and times.
URL and Domain Mismatch
- Issue: URLs in the page-level files do not belong to the specified domain in Conductor.
- Solution: Verify that all URLs provided in the page-level files belong to the same domain as specified in the Conductor integration.
Data Limitations
- Issue: The number of URLs or metrics exceeds the maximum allowed by the Conductor.
- Solution: Ensure that the total number of metrics (including Visits/Sessions) does not exceed ten.
Metric Names
- Issue: The metric names in the .csv files do not match the expected metric names in Conductor.
- Solution: Check that the metric names in the .csv files match the expected names in Conductor, such as "Visits" or "Sessions."
Data Processing Delay
- Issue: Data does not appear in Conductor within two weeks after you integrate.
- Solution: If the data takes longer than two weeks to appear, contact Conductor Support for assistance and to check for any potential data processing issues.