Create a standard workspace to use across departments
Workspaces are Conductor's reporting tool, which offer flexible ways to organize and personalize your organization's data. As you discover data and insights from throughout Conductor, you can add them to workspaces you can easily share with all your stakeholders.
For large organizations, you might have stakeholders across many different business units or product categories that need the same data—just filtered to reflect their area of concern. You can build and then replicate a workspace for each of your internal departments to standardize the metrics you measure and quickly and simply build out your reporting tools for all your stakeholders.
Repeat this workflow for any department, vertical, or category for which you want to use the standardized workspace.
- In Conductor, go to Workspaces↗️.
- Find or create a department- or group-specific workspace you want to use that provides details useful for each department in your organization. For example, a home-goods retailer might choose a workspace for their Bedding department that includes widgets like:
- A Visibility Distribution chart and a Keywords table of the keywords in the Bedding keyword group.
- Market Share reports for competitive information about the Bedding keyword group.
- Once you’ve determined the workspace you want to use as the template, click Edit > Duplicate. The workspace is duplicated and, by default, the Duplicate Workspace form appears.
- In the Name field, rename the workspace to reflect another department for which you want to provide this workspace.
- Click Duplicate.
- For each widget in the copied workspace, edit the title if necessary and change the keyword group to reflect the new department.
What's next?
Make sure to share these Workspaces so your stakeholders receive them when you report you progress.