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This guide walks you through the process to integrate Conductor with Adobe Analytics. This integration helps you connect-the-dots to see how your natural search efforts correlate to your critical traffic, your conversions, and your revenue.
Integrating Conductor with Adobe Analytics helps you to:
- Optimize your SEO campaigns by combining in-session metrics.
- View campaign effectiveness and on-site behavior.
- View key organic metrics, paid metrics, and SERP data, side-by-side.
- See the impact of your SEO efforts.
- Prioritize SEO initiatives based on real attribution.
Your Adobe Analytics administrator will need to perform some of this set up. You can send them this integration guide to complete the configuration.
Technical Information
Before beginning this integration, review the following information and prerequisites for your Adobe Analytics and Conductor instances.
Adobe Prerequisites
To implement this integration, you must have the following:
- Adobe Analytics
- Adobe Data Warehouse
Please note the following before you begin:
Because much of this configuration occurs in your organization's Adobe Data Warehouse instance, your team is responsible for creating these .csv files and for ensuring they are sent to Conductor at the specified weekly and monthly times.
Information Security
Conductor does not collect personally identifiable information (PII) through the Adobe Analytics integration. You can learn more about Conductor’s information security practices in this article.
This integration uses .csv files you configure Adobe Data Warehouse to send automatically to a SFTP server. After completing these instructions, you will have the following two (2) reports created for the integration, from which Conductor generates all of its content reports:
- One (1) page-level report sent weekly.
- One (1) page-level report sent monthly.
Once configured, Adobe Data Warehouse will automatically send these two files at regular intervals for Conductor to receive and create reports in the Conductor platform.
Integration strategy
Depending on the way your organization reports on your web analytics with your Adobe instance, you might have to carefully plan how and why you choose to configure your integration or integrations.
For example, because of the way the Conductor platform reports data, each of these integrations must be configured for a single domain–search engine combination. If you have multiple domains in a Report Suite or multiple report suites to integrate, you’ll need to carefully consider how to integrate those domains.
If your organization needs to create many integrations with Conductor to accommodate your organization's integration strategy, contact Conductor Customer Support before beginning. We'll want to work together to confirm the best way to accommodate your setup.
How to set it up
Get your Alias and Username and Create the Integration in Conductor Intelligence
To create an integration, you'll need two required, unique identifiers from Conductor. Note that these integrations cannot be configured without these identifiers, and that Conductor must generate them for you.
The Alias is simply a unique identifier Conductor will generate specifically for your organization to use for configuring a new integration. Note that if you plan on creating multiple integrations, you may need multiple Aliases for each integration you plan to configure, depending on your Adobe configuration.
The Username is a unique username to you when configuring the SFTP integration. Your organization needs only one Username. You can use it for any integrations you need to configure.
To get your Alias (or Aliases) and your Username:
- Click here ↗️ or follow the path Settings > Web Analytics in Conductor.
- Click Add a New Integration.
- From the form, select Adobe Analytics.
- Click Generate your Alias and Username. The new integration configuration form appears, and your Alias and Username appear at the top. Tip: copy your Alias and Username to a text editor file or keep this window open in your browser when you move onto your Adobe configuration described below.
- Complete the following fields in the integration configuration screen:
- Add an Integration Display Name.
- Choose one or more Related Search Engines to associate your data with.
- Click Save and Complete.
Configure Your First Request in Data Warehouse (Weekly Report)
Now you're ready to create your new integration in Data Warehouse. Again, you'll perform these steps for each Adobe Report Suite you plan on integrating.
You'll create two new requests, which will become the reports you send to Conductor. First, you'll build the weekly page-level report, and then duplicate and modify it to create the monthly report. Then, you’ll repeat this process for any remaining Report Suite Integrations.
- In Adobe Analytics, follow the path Tools > Data Warehouse.
- In the upper-left, select and verify the Adobe Report Suite you want to use for this integration. Remember, if you have multiple Report Suites to integrate, you’ll need to repeat this process for each.
- Click Add to create the new request.
- Go to the General settings tab.
- Complete the General settings tab as follows:
Request Name
This can be anything, but you'll want to make the request identifiable. Consider using a name like "Conductor Weekly Report". However, if you are creating multiple requests for each Report Suite you are migrating, you'll want to make each request identifiable. Consider using a name like "Conductor Weekly Report – [Alias for integration]". This allows you to have an identifier unique to your integration for each request to distinguish your requests for one integration from another. -
Date Ranges and Granularity
- If you report your weeks on a Sunday through Saturday cadence, select the Last Week option from the Date Ranges menu and from the Granularity menu, select Weekly.
- If you report your weeks on a Monday through Sunday cadence, select the Last Week option from the Date Ranges menu and from the Granularity menu, select None.
Request Name
- Go to the Build your report tab and select the following segments, metrics, and dimensions as follows:
If you want to segment the data sent to Conductor, you can choose a segment here. -
From the Metrics menu, select the following metrics, in order:- Visits - All Visitors
- Page Views
- Visits
Metrics, continued
Select any other metrics that you want to integrate into Conductor. In total, you can select up to 10 metrics to integrate into Conductor. These can be selected in any order. -
Select the following reporting dimensions, in order:- Either Page URL or Visit Start Page URL:
- Choosing Page URL means you'll be reporting on pages rolled up to their base URL—any URLs with query parameters, fragments (URLs with hashes), etc. are aggregated and reported on as one page. For most organizations, this is preferable because it simplifies their reporting to only one page. However, choosing Page URL means that when Conductor reports SERP data to the page—such as the keywords that rank for the page—it will do so only for the keywords that rank for the base URL. If other iterations of the URL happen to rank in search, that SERP data will not be included with the SERP data associated with the base URL.
- Choosing Visit Start Page URL means you'll be reporting on each iteration of a URL—URLs with query parameters, fragments (URLs with hashes), etc. will each receive its own row. Because this means reporting on a give page is disaggregated, most organizations do not choose this option. However, unlike the Page URL option, all iterations of the base URL with query parameters, fragments, etc. that rank in search will have SERP data associated with them in Conductor. If your site drives significant traffic to parameterized pages through organic search, you might consider this option to take advantage of this SERP data in Conductor.
Visit Start Page
This item is optional—most Conductor customers do not choose to break down their data by Visit Start Page, and Conductor does not recommend this for your integration. Choose this option only if your organization wants to breakdown your data by Visit Start Page. If you choose not to breakdown by Visit Start Page, do not select this option.
Note that if you do choose this option it must be chosen in this order.
- Last Touch Channel
- Either Page URL or Visit Start Page URL:
- Go to the Report destination tab.
- Click Add account.
- From the Account type menu, select SFTP.
- Add a name and description in the Account name and Account description fields. These will help you identify the destination in the future.
- In the Hostname field, enter either of the following strings (do not include the quotation marks):
- "" for non-EU data residency
- "" for EU data residency
- In the Username field, enter the Username your organization received from Conductor earlier in this guide.
- Click Add account.
- Click Add account.
- Click Add location.
- Add a name and description in the Location name and Location description fields. These will help you identify the destination in the future. Note that this is especially important when you are creating multiple integrations with Conductor. Each location you add is tied to the specific web property and search engine you are integrating (represented by the Alias you generated earlier in these instructions). A distinct location name that includes the web property and search engine will help you tell these multiple integrations apart.
- In the Directory path field:
- Delete the forward slash in the field, if one appeared by default.
- Enter the path using the Alias your organization received from Conductor earlier in this guide. The format should be:
[Alias for integration]/WEEKLY_PAGE/
- Click Add location.
- Go to the Report options tab.
- Leave the File Name field unchanged and select the Append report date range to file name toggle.
- In the Report format section, ensure that CSV is selected, and then enable the Send report as compressed file (.zip) toggle.
- Leave the Report contents and Additional options sections unchanged. Failure to leave these unchanged may result in integration failures.
- Go to the Scheduling options tab, select Schedule for later and configure the fields as follows:
- If you report your weeks on a Sunday through Saturday cadence:
- Report frequency: Weekly
- [Frequency] recurrence - every [X] week(s): 1
- Day of the week: Sunday
- Starting on: [The next corresponding Sunday]
- Time of day: 2 AM
End Delivery Options: Never end
- If you report your weeks on a Monday through Sunday cadence:
- Report frequency: Weekly
- [Frequency] recurrence - every [X] week(s): 1
- Day of the week: Monday
- Starting on: [The next corresponding Monday]
- Time of day: 2 AM
- End Delivery Options: Never end
- If you report your weeks on a Sunday through Saturday cadence:
- Go to the Notification email tab.
- In the Send notification email to field, enter an email to which a notification will be sent every time the report is successfully delivered or fails for any reason. Confirm this email address is where you want these notifications to be sent.
- Click Save request.
Your Conductor Weekly Report is now configured. You can check its status in the Data Warehouse home.
For example, you can see whether the report was listed as:
- “Completed” when it successfully reached SFTP service.
- “Error” when it failed to send the request. In this case the issue might be in incorrect parameters or destination connectivity.
Configure Your Second Request in Data Warehouse (Monthly Report)
To create your second Data Warehouse Request, you'll duplicate your Weekly Page Report, and then make adjustments to accommodate the specific needs of the remaining Request. To do so:
- Go to Data Warehouse home.
- Select your Conductor Weekly Page Report in the table and click Copy to create the remaining Monthly request.
- Make the changes associated with the second request listed in the table below.
- Click Save Request.
Use this table to configure your remaining request. The table indicates the fields that require updates for the second Request. Fields not indicated in the table can remain as they are. Use the instructions above for reference.
(Do not include the brackets in the values you enter. They appear here only to distinguish the variables you need to enter in the fields.)
Location | Field | Change to... |
General settings |
Request name | "Conductor Monthly Report - [Alias for integration]" or similar |
Date ranges | Last Month | |
Granularity | Monthly | |
Report destination | Add location > Directory path |
[Alias for integration] /MONTHLY_PAGE/ |
Scheduling options |
Monthly recurrence - every [x] month | 1 |
Day of the month | 1 |
Repeat for Each Report Suite You Are Integrating
If you need to integrate more than one Report Suite, complete the instructions above for each Report Suite you need to integrate with Conductor.
Updating integrations from Adobe's legacy UI
In November of 2023, Adobe updated their UI in Data Warehouse. Previously created requests in Adobe continue to be sent successfully to Conductor without incident. However, were you to update previously created requests (for example, to change your selected metrics), you do need to update some information in the existing request to be compatible going forward in the new UI.
To update your requests:
- In Adobe Analytics, follow the path Tools > Data Warehouse.
- In the upper-left, select and verify the Adobe Report Suite you want to use for this integration. Remember, if you have multiple Report Suites to integrate, you’ll need to repeat this process for each.
- For each existing Conductor request:
- Select the request in the table and click Edit.
- Go to the Report destination tab.
- Click Add account.
- From the Account type menu, select SFTP.
- Add a name and description in the Account name and Account description fields. These will help you identify the destination in the future.
- In the Hostname field, enter either of the following strings (do not include the quotation marks):
- "" for non-EU data residency
- "" for EU data residency
- In the Username field, enter the Username your organization received from Conductor earlier in this guide.
- Click Add account.
- Click Add location.
- Add a name and description in the Location name and Location description fields. These will help you identify the destination in the future. Note that this is especially important when you are updating multiple integrations with Conductor. Each location you add is tied to the specific web property and search engine you are integrating (represented by the Alias you use for these integrations). A distinct location name that includes the web property and search engine will help you tell these multiple integrations apart.
- In the Directory path field:
- Delete the forward slash in the field, if one appeared by default.
- Enter the path using the Alias your organization received from Conductor earlier in this guide. The format should be:
[Alias for integration]/WEEKLY_PAGE/
- Click Add location.
- Click Save changes.
- Confirm by clicking Save changes again.
Can I configure my reporting weeks as Monday–Sunday for Adobe Integrations?
Yes, while Conductor's standard reporting week is Sunday–Saturday, you can integrate your Adobe Analytics data if your reporting week is Monday–Sunday. You can configure this behavior in steps 5 and 10 of the Configure Your First Request in Data Warehouse (Weekly Report) section in the Adobe Integration Guide.
However, note that regardless of this configuration, Conductor still publishes data from Adobe across Conductor's standard Sunday–Saturday range. When you choose to report data across Monday–Sunday, the data will appear in Conductor across Sunday–Saturday, where each day's data is offset by one day. For example, your Monday data appears for Sunday, your Tuesday data appears for Monday, and so on.